The TML Blog
The Last Five Years
This morning I attended the Madison County Democratic Women’s annual membership brunch…which was the first political event I ever attended and what inevitably launched me into this new (to me) world and passion.
I knew nothing. I knew no one. The only thing I did know was that I was scared and hated the way things were going. So with the sage advice and encouragement of my grandmother to “do something about it,” I faced my biggest millennial fear and showed up to an event alone, not quite sure what I was even looking for.
I am forever grateful for the incredible women who took in this political novice, made space for me, mentored me, and gave me so many opportunities to stretch and grow and contribute and shine. And the rest, as they say, is history…
So if I can encourage anyone else out there, if you want to get involved but you don’t know how or where to start, let me give you an simple breakdown:
Showing up and saying “yes” at this one little event put me on a path I could’ve never imagined for myself—a path that has given me amazing friendships, invaluable experience, and even a business of my own.
Everyone’s journey is different, but they all start with the same first step: SHOW. UP. You’ll figure out the rest as you go—I know I still am. And who knows…maybe one day you, too, will be able to look back on the last five years and amaze yourself at how far you’ve come…and excite yourself at what the future holds…