An (Elder) Millennial, Political Activist, Digital Strategist, and Aspiring Writer currently trying to navigate life as a young(ish) Progressive in Sweet Home Alabama. I'm an introverted extrovert, which means you may hear me on the radio or see me on TV, but I much prefer writing from the confines of my home office. I tend to focus on important topics such as politics, mental health, and advocacy, but I speak fluent sarcasm and try not to take myself too seriously.
I created this page because I have a passion for writing, exploring, and discussing the big, tough issues through the lens of Gen Y, and I wanted a place to have those conversations, be a resource, and connect with others. So thank you for visiting my little corner of the interwebs, and I hope that you'll stick around for the hot takes, thoughtful discussions, and the occasional cute puppy pic!